Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Nintendo Corporation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nintendo Corporation - Research Paper Example From this paper it is clear that the internal resources include the strengths and weaknesses while its external resources are the opportunities and threats. Nintendo Corporation should strive to maximize its strengths and opportunities while at the same time minimizing its weaknesses and threats. Nintendo Corporation boasts of strong, formidable and established brands in the world market. Most of its products are unrivalled putting it in a better position to command and dictate the taste of the market. For instance, the Nintendo 3DS that was initiated in the US in March 27, 2011 enables the users to view contents in 3D without necessarily using the special glasses. Additionally, the Wii that comes in different advanced revolutionary features has made the product the best selling in the world. The corporation also has a robust and steady escalation in its revenue. Although the company was founded in Tokyo, Japan, it now has branches in all major world markets of the world. As of March 2011, the conclusion of their economic year, the entire proceeds of the corporation was $ 4799.40. This shows that company stands in better grounds in terms of assets and strengths. Besides, Nintendo Co. Ltd. has a strong cash flow system. The operating cash flow indicates the amount of money in cash that the firm generates when it sells its products or renders the services. It is calculated by subtracting the firm’s taxes from the taxes. As of march, 2011, the cash flow for Nintendo was $ 1.19 billion. The major fault that this corporation faces is the shortages of inventories.  

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